Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
So here he is, the first king! Wait, why are we in Media? What do you mean he doesn't rule Persia? Why is he in the story at all? All this and much more will be answered during our first review episode!Join us for discordant Greek and Assyrian sources, an introduction to Herodotus, and, oh right, Deioces the king
You can find all the images on our website!https://soyouthinkyoucanrulepersia.wordpress.com/2022/06/12/deioces/
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Welcome to the first-ever episode of So You Think You Can Rule Persia!Here we'll give you an overview of what the podcast is going to be like, who counts as a ruler of Persia, and some useful context on the terms we'll be using and when.Once that's done, we'll treat you to a broad history of the Middle East and Iran that should ferry you over to 700 BC.And, finally, you'll learn about our rounds and how we'll be rating the long (long) list of kings before us.Happy to have you along for the ride!You can find all the maps on our website!https://soyouthinkyoucanrulepersia.wordpress.com/2022/06/02/0-in-those-days-in-those-distant-days/